Eco-consciousness in Indian English Poetry


  • Ashima Pandey
  • Dr. A Pandey


Nature and literature have always shared a close relationship as is evidenced in the works of poets and other writers down the ages in almost all cultures of the world. Today the intimate relationship between the natural and social world is being analyzed and emphasized in all departments of knowledge and development. The literary critic tries to study how this close relationship between nature and society has been textualized by the writers in their works. This paper attempts to find out the eco consciousness in Indian English poetry and trace the conservationist attitude of Indians towards nature.


Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture, Cambridge, MA: Havard University Press, 1995

Ezekiel, Nisssim. Collected Poems. Delhi: Oxford UP, 1996.

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Glotfetly Cheryll and Harold Fromm (eds) The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Litrerary Ecology. Athens GA and London: University of Georgia Press. 1996

Howarth, William. “Ecocriticism in Context”. The Green Studies Reader From Romanticism to Ecocriticsm. Edited by Laurence Coupe, London and New York: Routledge 2000

Ramanujan A.K. Selected Poems. Delhi: Oxford UP, 1983

Reuckert, William. “Into and Out of the Void: Two Essays.” Iowa review 9. I (winter 1978): 62-86. Second Essay rpt, as “Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism” in Glotfley and Fromm.






Research Articles

How to Cite

Eco-consciousness in Indian English Poetry. (2014). Journal of Teaching and Research in English Literature, 5(3), 21-24.