On Writing the Literary History of Indian Fiction in English


  • M.S. Nagarajan Professor and Head, Department of Translation Institute of Asian Studies, Sholinganallur, Madras, Tamil Nadu


Way back in the forties of the last century, Rene Wellek raised a pertinent question which has set the minds of literary historians thinking: “Is it possible to write literary history, that is, to write that which will be both literary and a history.” The present article proposes some directions in which such an attempt could go. Let us realise that literary histories get written again and again; there cannot be just one literary history of a nation or a period. The extreme view would be that we need no literary history since its objects are always present, echoing Eliot’s well-known dictum that the whole of literature of Europe from Homer has a simultaneous existence and composes a simultaneous order. They are eternal and so do not have a history in the usual sense. Such a view ignores the simple concept of literary evolution in arts though it may sound abstract. The real problem is how to provide a framework for such a literary history.


Chaudhuri, Amit, ed. The Picador Book of Modern Indian Literature. London: Picador, 2001.

Crane, Ronald. S. Critical and Historical Principles of Literary History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971.

Hartman, Geoffrey. Toward Literary History (1970).

Naik, M.K. A History of Indian English Literature (1982).

Perkins, David. Is Literary History Possible? Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1992.

Rene Wellek. The Fall of Literary History. 1973.

Rushdie, Salman, ed. The Vintage Book of Indian Writing. London: Vintage, 1997.

Spencer Dorothy. Indian Fiction in English. An annotated bibliography.

New Literary History. Johns Hopkins University.






Research Articles

How to Cite

On Writing the Literary History of Indian Fiction in English. (2017). Journal of Teaching and Research in English Literature, 8(2), 3-8. https://journals.eltai.in/jtrel/article/view/JTREL080202