A Comparative Study of Macbeth and Brutus on the Grounds of Psychoanalysis


  • R. Vishvak V. O. C. College of Education, Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu


Macbeth, Brutus, Psychoanalysis, Characterisation


This paper aims to make a comparative analysis on Shakespeare’s immortal characters Macbeth and Brutus on the grounds of psycho-analysis. Shakespeare, with his wit, has designed various characters. They differ from one another in many aspects. But some characters are very similar in their actions. In some way they become victims of the game that is played on them by other characters. Macbeth and Brutus are such victims. Both Brutus and Macbeth kill their kings. But they were very faithful to their kings once. In Macbeth, the three Witches and Lady Macbeth create evil in Macbeth. In Brutus’ case Cassius changes him against Caesar. Till their death, both the characters have been suffering from mental conflicts. These conflicts lead to Brutus’ pathetic suicide and makes Macbeth to more evil by killing many people in suspicion. This paper analyses both the characters’ mental conflicts and their inability to overcome those conflicts.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

A Comparative Study of Macbeth and Brutus on the Grounds of Psychoanalysis. (2017). Journal of Teaching and Research in English Literature, 8(4), 16-21. https://journals.eltai.in/jtrel/article/view/JTREL080405