Coriolanus: Critical Observations
Bradley, A.C. “Character and the Imaginative Appeal of Tragedy in Coriolanus” (1912) reprinted in Coriolanus: A Casebook, ed. B.A. Brockman, Macmillan. 1977.
Brockbank, Philip. Coriolanus: The Arden Shakespeare. Methuen. 1976.
Dobson, Michael. “An Introduction to Coriolanus”. Discovering Literature: Shakespeare and the Renaissance. British Library, 15 Mar 2016.
Ginsberg, Jacob. "Coriolanus Plot Summary." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 14 Sep 2017. Web. 29 August 2018.
Palmer, John. Political Characters of Shakespeare. London. 1945.
Parr, Tony. Coriolanus: The Macmillan Shakespeare. Macmillan. 1985.
Spencer, T.J.B. “Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Romans” Shakespeare Survey 10. Cambridge. (1957).