Coriolanus: Critical Observations


  • Dr. Murali Krishnan T.R. Associate Professor, Department of English, MES Asmabi College, Kodungallur, Thrissur, Kerala

Author Biography

  • Dr. Murali Krishnan T.R., Associate Professor, Department of English, MES Asmabi College, Kodungallur, Thrissur, Kerala

    Dr. Muralikrishnan T.R. is an Associate Professor in the Department of English in MES Asmabi College Kodungalloor. He has put in twenty-five years of service in various aided colleges under Muslim Educational Society. He was an Approved Research Supervisor to Part Time PhD (Category - B) of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. He has produced two PhDs from the University. He is a member of the editorial/reviewer panel in 4 national and international journals. He has authored two books, An Introductory Textbook of Linguistics for English Learners: A book for the uninitiated.(2012) Saansbruck, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. (ISBN: 978-3-8484-1480-2) and Discourses in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching (2018) Quality Books Publishers, Kanpur, UP, (ISBN: 978-93-83637-86-7). He is now a member of the Board of Studies PG (English) in MG University and Calicut University in Comparative Literature. He is the recipient of ELTRePs India award 2014-15 (ELT Research Partnership) granted by the British Council in 2014. He completed a Minor Research Project financed by the UGC titled “Narratives on Indian Women: Foregrounding the flustered and flummoxed female” in 2011.


Bradley, A.C. “Character and the Imaginative Appeal of Tragedy in Coriolanus” (1912) reprinted in Coriolanus: A Casebook, ed. B.A. Brockman, Macmillan. 1977.

Brockbank, Philip. Coriolanus: The Arden Shakespeare. Methuen. 1976.

Dobson, Michael. “An Introduction to Coriolanus”. Discovering Literature: Shakespeare and the Renaissance. British Library, 15 Mar 2016.

Ginsberg, Jacob. "Coriolanus Plot Summary." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 14 Sep 2017. Web. 29 August 2018.

Palmer, John. Political Characters of Shakespeare. London. 1945.

Parr, Tony. Coriolanus: The Macmillan Shakespeare. Macmillan. 1985.

Spencer, T.J.B. “Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Romans” Shakespeare Survey 10. Cambridge. (1957).







How to Cite

Coriolanus: Critical Observations. (2018). Journal of Teaching and Research in English Literature, 9(4), 5–7.