Developing Sensitivity to Literature through The Merchant of Venice


  • Prof. P. N. Ramani English Studies & Educational Consultant (Freelance)

Author Biography

  • Prof. P. N. Ramani, English Studies & Educational Consultant (Freelance)

    Dr. Ramani, English language specialist, curriculum developer, teacher trainer, ELT administrator and quality assurance expert in the higher education sector, is currently a freelance English Studies and Educational Consultant.  He is also a Vice-President of ELTAI and Editor of their bimonthly print journal, The Journal of English Language Teaching (India), bringing out a Special Issue in 2015 to mark the golden jubilee year of its publication. A teacher with over 40 years of experience mostly at the tertiary level, author of several ELT course books and research papers, he has initiated and implemented curricular reforms in English language and literature education in India and the Middle East, guided and evaluated research at the Master's, M. Phil. and doctoral levels in India and abroad, conducted hundreds of workshops on topics relating to teaching, learning and evaluation of English language and literature, including the use of technology, and also in soft skills training.







How to Cite

Developing Sensitivity to Literature through The Merchant of Venice . (2018). Journal of Teaching and Research in English Literature, 9(4), 13–18.