Collaborative Learning: Integrating English Language, Communication Skills and Soft Skills for Job Placements at Engineering Level

Dr. K.V. Madhavi

Department of English, GITAM University, Hyderabad

Keywords: Collaborative learning, Communication skills, Job placements, Integrating English language, Soft skills


Today’s engineer should be a combination of adequate technical competence, verbal proficiency, emotional intelligence, and communicative ability before he/she opts for campus placements. In this era of globalization, engineering graduates lack the required qualities either in terms of technical expertise, communication or English language skills. English language and communication skills, in particular, have resulted as barriers in the personal as well as professional development of an engineering graduate. English is cited as the major language of international business, diplomacy, science and the professions. However, most of the graduates fail to impress the employers. According to NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Services Company) President Karnik, only 25 percent of technical graduates are suitable for employment in the outsourcing industry because of their lack of abilities to speak or write well in English. (Karnik, 2007 as cited in P’Rayan 2008:1). Most students are not ‘industry ready’ because they lack communication skills. (Infosys,  2008).  This paper focuses on the orientation and collaborative learning required from the first year of engineering course for improving English language and communication skills apart from the prescribed syllabus to prepare the students specifically for campus placements.


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Karnik (2007). Retrieved from nasscom-job-screening.html

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