About the Journal

Journal of English Language Teaching (JELT), (ISSN 0973-5208) published by ‘The Society for the Promotion of Education in India’, is the flagship journal of the English Language Teachers’ Association of India (ELTAI) and was launched in 1965 even before the association was formally registered. It aims to provide a forum for teachers of English at various levels and researchers to share their teaching assumptions and practices as a step towards their professional growth.

JELT is an international, double-blind, peer-reviewed, bimonthly journal, aimed at supporting the scholarly exchange of views among teachers of English at all levels, teacher trainers, and researchers in English studies.

The publication of the journal is funded by ELTAI. Please note that the journal does not charge any publication or access fees. Printed copies of JELT are sent free to all the members of the Association (ELTAI); the digital version can be accessed from the website and downloaded.

Focus and Scope
The journal seeks to publish original, quality research papers in all areas of teaching English as a second or foreign language. The journal, therefore, accepts submissions on all aspects and issues relating to the teaching and learning of English in ESL settings. It welcomes contributions not only from senior teachers, but also from researchers and scholars in their early years of their career.

Each submission will be evaluated for its suitability for publication in terms of the following criteria.
The article should:

  • Reflect current theories and practices in English language teaching.
  • Be relevant and appeal to the wide readership of the journal.
  • Be well written and organized, with sufficient explanation and examples to enable readers to apply the ideas and insights in their own classes.
  • Discuss the topic in the context of other work related to the topic.
  • Be written in clear and concise language, making it easy to read.

The journal publishes the following types of articles:

  • Full-length research papers, both theoretical and experimental
  • Reports of research work in progress
  • Action research reports addressing problems and challenges faced in classroom teaching
  • Good practices with theoretical underpinnings for sharing
  • Evidence-based, concrete suggestions for improving teaching-learning and teacher education and training practices
  • Book reviews

Publication Frequency

Journal of English Language Teaching is a bi-monthly journal that brings out six issues a year: January-February, March-April, May-June, July-August, September-October, and November-December. There is, however, no specific deadline for sending submissions and articles can be submitted anytime throughout the year.