Teacher Effectiveness in Teaching English at the Secondary level in Tribal Schools

G. Veerya Nayak

PhD (English Language Education) EFL University, Hyderabad

Keywords: Teacher Effectiveness, English Language Teaching


English plays a key role in social communications. The ability to use English effectively is considered essential for honorable existence in the globalized world. The inclusion of English medium education in India from class 1 is the best evidence of the importance of the English in current competitive world.

English language teachers play an important role in enabling learners to learn the language effectively. The teaching of English in tribal schools of Warangal district is in panic status. The students are taught six periods in a week for ten years. The students do not know more than thousand words by the time they enter into university education. It means that they barely learn English words at the rate of one word per period.

The present study is an attempt to understand and assess teacher effectiveness in teaching English at the secondary schools of urban and tribal areas of Warangal district. Through the current study, the researcher tries to elicit the views, opinions, and perceptions of secondary learners as well as the teachers of English on teachers’ effectiveness.


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