Teaching of Vocabulary: Task-based Approach

M. Srilakshmi

Professor of English, Dr. DVR & HS College, MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh

M. Kiranmai

Asst. Prof. of English, Aditya Engineering, Kakinada, East Godavari Dist., Andhra Pradesh

Keywords: task, task-based language teaching, traditional approach, ESL


This paper mainly focuses on teaching vocabulary to ESL students within the framework of task-based language teaching, focusing on engineering students in Andhra Pradesh. Two homogenous groups of students of III B. Tech. ECE-branch participated in the investigation as an experimental group and a control group. For assessment a teacher-made test was administered. For the control group, technical vocabulary was taught using the traditional approach, and for the experimental group, technical vocabulary was taught using the task-based approach. A post-test was administered to the students at the end of the session to find out the impact of the task-based approach on the experimental group. Result analyses evidenced that the task-based approach was more effective in teaching technical vocabulary compared to the traditional method.


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