Acquisition of English Modals (Auxiliaries) in Negative Sentences by Marathi-speaking Children: A study in Second Language Acquisition

Pratima Malwadkar

Associate Professor and Head, Department of English, Chetana College, Bandra (E), Mumbai

Keywords: modals, auxiliary, acquisition order, second language


In order to facilitate language pedagogy, it is necessary to understand the learner’s path/order of learning as also, learner needs, and the role of diverse conditions under which human learning takes place. With this in mind, the development of the auxiliary system in Negative constructions in various contexts in the process of acquisition of English by   Marathi-speaking children was studied longitudinally. The present paper is just an attempt to understand the development of English Modals in Negative sentences. It is concerned with the acquisition order and the amount of time taken by these second language learners to acquire this category properly. The study   made it possible to identify the differences/similarities in the order of learning of modals across second language learners.


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