Teacher Workshop on Using ICT Tools and Digital Narratives-A Report

Madhavi Voleti

Research Scholar (English), JNTUK Kakinada, Andhra University

Y Somalatha

Professor, Dept. of English, JNTUK, Kakinada, Andhra University

Keywords: Action research, Information and Communications Technology, Digital narratives, Multimodal inputs, Prezi


This article documents the teacher-researcher initiatives to share the experiences and reflections on the preparation, implementation and outcomes of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) oriented teaching modules. This is a report on the workshop held for school teachers as a part of the Action Research study emphasizing the role of digital narratives in enhancing productive skills. The formulation of needbased teaching modules using the technological tool Prezi and multimodal inputs were shared with a demonstration. A questionnaire was administered at the end of the session to know the teacher attitude and preparedness to use technology in their pedagogy.


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