Developing L2 Academic Writing: Going Beyond CLT and TBLT

R Rajeshwari

Research Scholar, English and Foreign Languges University, Lucknow

Keywords: ELT in India, Developing academic writing, Writing centres at tertiary level


This paper aims at emphasising the importance of developing academic writing skills in students at the tertiary level through employing pedagogical instructions for the same in all areas: arts, humanities and sciences.  The limitations in the existing pedagogy at the primary and secondary levels have been analysed so as to suggest necessary pedagogical instructions at the tertiary level.  Emphasis has been laid on the establishment of writing centres in India, as Academic Writing finds little importance in college syllabi, except in some language courses.  The analysis of primary and secondary level language syllabi and teaching methodology has been done based on research done by means of tutoring school students upto XII standard (CBSE) in Delhi. Statistical analysis of IELTS score of 2017 has also been done so as to show that writing skills require explicit instructions.


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