An Experimental Study Conducted in Kerala at Higher Secondary Level on the Application of ICT Vs. Traditional Model of Teaching of English M J Viju

M J Viju

Asst. Professor, St. Thomas’ College (Autonomous), Thrisur, Kerala

Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, ELT: English Language Teaching, CLL: Communicative Language Learning, , LSR Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing


This study discusses how far ICT (Information and Communication Technology) can be used to improve the quality of education by comparing traditional methods of teaching with ICT models of teaching English at Higher Secondary level in Kerala. Today, English is considered a global language but the future of English will be more complex, more demanding and more challenging for native speakers and second language users as ICT lies at the heart of policy making in education. Today’s challenge in Education is to define the best use of ICT for improving the quality of teaching and learning. There is a great possibility for the application of ICT at Higher Secondary level, as it help to improve skills in English (LSRW), in a communicative method classrooms in India, especially in Kerala. The researcher conducted a survey among teachers and students in Higher Secondary sections in Kerala to understand their familiarity towards use of ICT tools. As the findings of the survey result were positive about ICT familiarity of teachers and students, the researcher conducted an experimental study on the effectiveness of ICT tools in teaching by teaching Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken”. The implications of the study are presented in the paper.


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