Enhancing Writing Skills: Application of Kagan’s Cooperative Learning Structures for EL Learners

Prasad Seemusuru

Research Scholar, Department of English and Communication, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh

Ch. A Rajendra Prasad

Research Supervisor, Department of English and Communication, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh

Keywords: English language teaching, cooperative learning, writing skills


Having good writing skills is a key factor in the continuous assessment, both formative and summative, of a student. Teachers at various levels have adopted various innovative and creative methods in the classroom to ensure that the students excel in their writing skill. At this juncture, Kagan’s structures for English language learners provide a wide platform to enhance writing skills among high school and higher level of learners. This study investigates the effects of cooperative learning in enhancing the writing performance of students from urban areas. The students’ performance was assessed using analytical scoring on the composite scores. The results of the investigation indicate that the students perform better after inclusion of cooperative learning in the writing skills course. These findings provide support to the positive effects of cooperative learning in enhancing students’ writing skills.


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