English for Empowering Paramedics

Vidhya Lokesh

Senior Lecturer in English, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (DU), Chennai

Keywords: English for paramedics, Communication skills in English


English, in the era of globalization and the Internet, is acknowledged globally as a universal language. It is a language interlinked with communication skills. Mastery of this language has a far-reaching impact as it is the common language in the field of trade, commerce, education, research, politics, law, arts, and so on. The current paper explores the need for a course in English specific to the paramedics. Paramedics are healthcare providers who are skilled and authorized to attend to a person during an emergency and stabilize them even before the affected persons are taken to the hospital. They work as a team with doctors, technicians, pharmacists, nurses, and therapists, and many others with whom they interact. Language plays a major role. Therefore, one has to be aware of the language they need to use.


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