Creating Authentic Classrooms

Akila S Indurti

Research Scholar, Dept. of English, IGNOU

Keywords: Authentic, Learning, Classroom, Assessment, Holistic


The NEP 2020 addresses the issues that have plagued our system of education and provoke us to think about how we can take our students forward with 21st-century skills. How can the teaching-learning experience transform itself to accommodate learning which is integrated, interdisciplinary, enjoyable, and authentic? It tries to bring the focus back on the fundamentals to ensure the holistic development of learners. Providing an authentic learning experience in the classroom could possibly be a strong solution to tide over the problems that we face today. An authentic classroom is one where the tasks, be they assignments or assessments, which are given to the students, are insightful, enjoyable, and tend to promote holistic learning. By creating authenticity around the tasks, teachers will also be able to find out and analyse the gaps in learning, if any. This way they can rewire their own teaching strategies to improve students’ understanding of the concepts.


Anderson, S. and Farnsworth, S. 2016. Creating an Authentic Classroom. Retrieved from (dated 13 March 2021).

Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions for Language Arts.2002. Retrieved from 18 Dec. 2020).

Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. 2005. Understanding by Design (expanded 2nd edition). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

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