Teaching Grammar in the ESL/EFL Context: Changing Perspectives and Current Trends

N. P. Sudharshana

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur

Keywords: Grammar Teaching, Structural Approaches, Meaning Focus, Form Focus


Whether or not to teach grammar, and if yes, what are some of the most controversial questions in the ESL/EFL pedagogy? Numerous studies have been conducted and still there is no unanimous answer to this question. Over many years, several approaches have emerged and they can be grouped into three main schools of thought, namely structural approaches, meaning-focused approaches, and form-focused approaches. This paper reviews these three main schools of thought in grammar teaching, with specific reference to teaching adults in ESL contexts. The paper also includes relevant examples, wherever necessary, to elaborate on the methods and techniques. Our aim here is not to recommend any specific methodology as the best way to teach grammar, but to make practising teachers aware of the options available. We believe that the teacher is the best judge to choose from the array of options, depending on the learners’ needs.


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