Some Common Difficulties in the Usage of Different Parts of Speech

Neelam Chawla

Research Scholar, Jiwaji University, Gwalior

Keywords: parts of speech, English, difficulties, usage, technical, students, Madhya Pradesh


In the very beginning of learning English as a language of communication usually, the learners are made aware of the different parts of speech used in the language to facilitate them in the formation of sentence construction and other aspects of learning the language. Sometimes the learners find it difficult to identify different parts of speech in particular sentences due to various reasons. The present research paper is the result of one of the researchers’ real-life experiences while teaching diploma students at a Polytechnic College of Madhya Pradesh. The researcher felt the need to understand the basic reasons behind this difficulty faced by the learners in identifying and using different parts of speech to make her teaching more effective. Learning parts of speech is necessary from the viewpoint of understanding the basic structure of the English language without which it won’t be possible to have an in-depth understanding of the language. Thus the present paper deals with problems encountered by the learners in identifying and using this part of English grammar. The study is completed through a survey done on fifty learners of a polytechnic college in Madhya Pradesh. This research paper contains an introduction, a brief review of the relevant studies, some common difficulties in the usage of different parts of speech in the English language, methodology used and data collection, findings and conclusion, and limitations of the study.


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