Exploring Web Resources for Teaching of English Language Skills

Dr. Naziya Hasan

Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Manipur University, Imphal, India

Keywords: English Language Teaching, English Language Skills, Technology, Web Resources, Integration


Well-planned teaching is the synonym of an effective teaching that results in enhancing students’ learning. Teaching requires planning for content selection, designing, preparation and its delivery in a productive and efficient way, considering the diverse needs of today’s classrooms and its students. Students’ learning highly depends upon the ways of teaching. Present day classrooms are occupied by “Digital Natives” (Prensky, 2001). In order to make them learn English, teachers need to understand their specific needs and learning styles for adopting and implementing suitable tools and strategies. Technological advancement has made a vital place in our classrooms and education system to make teaching and learning more innovative and meaningful. Technology provides invaluable resources that can be utilized for English language teaching, no matter where the classes are situated. This review article aims at highlighting the connection between technology and English teaching that fosters creative and constructive learning environment. It also explores and provides details of the technological resources available for teaching various language skills in an innovative way along with its integration in and outside the classroom teaching.


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