Exploring Informal Spaces for Language Teaching
language teaching, language learning, social media, informal educational spaces, instructional strategies, ELT, technologyAbstract
With the increasing prevalence of social media in modern society, educators have begun to explore its potential as a tool for enhancing language learning experiences. This study aimed to identify the social media platforms most used by English language teachers and to elucidate the strategies employed in integrating these platforms into their teaching practices. This study is designed to capture insights into the most preferred social media platforms for educational purposes and how these platforms are commonly utilized in English language classrooms. This research gathered data from a diverse sample of English language educators. The findings reveal that 76.5% of the respondents use YouTube, followed by WhatsApp, with 47.1% of the participants choosing it. Social media platforms are commonly used by teachers while teaching, and they utilize these informal educational spaces for vocabulary-building purposes, followed by teaching grammar and then listening. The findings of this research have implications for educators and educational policymakers, providing valuable insights into the current landscape of social media use in English language teaching. By understanding the platforms teachers prefer and their instructional strategies, stakeholders can better support the integration of social media into language education, thereby enhancing students’ learning experiences.
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