Artificial Intelligence in Education: An Alternative to Traditional Learning

Devasena R

Assistant Professor, Department of EFL- English, SRM Institute of Science and Technology (E&T), Ramapuram, Chennai.

Keywords: AI-based education, technology, teaching, Experimentation, English language training


This article demonstrates how English language instruction can be done using AI-based educational software. The effectiveness of any system, electronic technology, specialized technology, or theory cannot be determined without functional trial and error. Our daily lives are unquestionably becoming more digital. It is acknowledged as the unavoidable point of view and driving force of the entire world. The world has significantly advanced and thanks to mechanical discoveries and their applications in a variety of fields. One of the most visible industries, education, is constantly incorporating new ideologies. The process of experimentation is crucial in both teaching and learning. The incorporation of technological advancements and devices into training has been done proactively. These and other similar tools, programs, and devices make teaching and learning English easier. To learn English, the expert is attempting to combine real-world experience with AI-based computer-generated experience. The most significant and simple AI-based solutions can assist teachers in making English language instruction more engaging, intelligent, dynamic, and enjoyable. Artificial intelligence advancements in the future will undoubtedly transform the entire educational system.


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