Do We Need to Queer ELT Pedagogy in India?
Heteronormative, New Education Policy 2020, learner engagement, queer pedagogy, gender equity in ELTAbstract
The present paper focuses on initiating discussion on the much-debatable issue of adopting a gender and sexuality perspective in ELT practices in India. Till quite recently our classes have been either mono-normative or heteronormative. The basic philosophy behind this kind of socio-educational fabric is due to the belief that all beings are binary and straight, whereas scientific inquiry has proved otherwise. Also, the misconception among teachers and educators that sexual identity has no impact on English Language Teaching, has further reinforced the practice of heteronormative ideology in the classrooms. The present study attempts to determine how teaching English as a second language (ESL) needs to be meaningfully queered to create safer spaces and sustain the learning motivation of the non-heteronormative and non-binary communities in the ELT classes. In the study, we argue to have Inclusive Education in India as per the mandate of the New Educational Policy, 2020. It is important to break the age-old narrow confines created against non-normative gender and sexuality learners, especially by queering English Language pedagogy and also providing them due representation in classroom interaction.
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