Blended Learning at Tertiary Level
Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, Hybrid, Virtual Learning Environment, Self-assessmentAbstract
Blended learning is a process through which online or e-learning is combined with traditional teaching method in the classroom to create a new, hybrid teaching methodology. It is more relevant in the present context as it brings a lot of new techniques instead of just using computers to lecture in the classrooms. It is a most needed basic change in the method by which teachers and students interact with each other. It has already produced an offshoot – the flipped classroom – that has quickly become a distinct approach of its own. There is no reliable definition for blended learning till date and also there is no universal agreement on the term itself. Many use terms like the hybrid, mixed, or integrative to describe the same trend. But the trend is significant. The aim of the paper is to highlight the latest techniques that could be used in teaching the learners.
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