Prezi as an Effective Tool to Teach Poetry-An Empirical Study
Prezi, blended learning, functional language skillsAbstract
In this digital age a language teacher has to assimilate new ideas and design classes to cater to a large number of learners with diverse learning styles to make teaching optimally effective. Inviting technology into language classroom has enabled erasing the impossibilities of blending functional language and literature texts possible. This is proved in an experimental study conducted using one of the online free learning tools. The empirical study emphasizes on blended learning and the use of Prezi as an effective tool to teach functional language aspects through poetry. Prezi as an online tool is used for this empirical study on blended learning for a complete and comprehensive focus on honing language skills through one literary genre, poetry. For this study, a couple of poems were taught to two groups, one using Prezi and the other by traditional method. A questionnaire and a checklist were prepared to evaluate student attitude and Data with written answers was collected. Informal discussions were held after the sessions. The findings of this blended learning are discussed at length where the data and responses from both teachers and learners are recorded.
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