English Language Teaching: Problems and Solutions
ELT, motivation, needs and wants, fear factorAbstract
Solutions to the problems related to English language teaching have been a topic of research and discussion the world over, which paves way for innovative solutions and novel ways of experimentation. Since the language is going through changes and adaptations, it is obvious that the process of searching for solutions towards effective, innovative, and result-oriented teaching and learning of English must also be pragmatic and learner-centric.
English language teaching is becoming a challenging task for the teacher especially when the orientation is meant for the students of other languages. What can a language teacher do when there are multitudes of problems to deal with? Well, if you have thought this question at any point of time during your teaching career, you are a part of the solution, since identifying the problems is the first step towards solving them. Once we identify all the stumbling blocks in achieving our target of making the students learn English, brain-storming for problem solving is going to bring out a number of solutions. At least it will keep you going – though it may not solve all issues at once. If your ‘bad’ result becomes a ‘not so bad’ result, and a sign of relief appears on the face of both the teacher and the learner, it is an achievement
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