Do Good Readers Acquire Words More Efficiently than Poor Readers?: A Comment on Joseph and Nation (2018)


  • Jeff McQuillan Center for Educational Development, Los Angeles, California (USA)


Good and poor readers, experienced readers


Joseph and Nation (2018) found that children who were “better comprehenders” acquired more words incidentally during reading than less-experienced readers. There were two possible confounds in their design that may have biased their results: (a) there was no control for the relative difficulty of the texts that their subjects read, and (b) their subjects’ exposure to the novel words was done in a way that may have favored those with better decoding skills.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Jeff McQuillan. (2020). Do Good Readers Acquire Words More Efficiently than Poor Readers?: A Comment on Joseph and Nation (2018). Journal of English Language Teaching, 62(3), 9-13.

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