Promoting EFL Writing Through ICT Integration with Special Focus on Electronic Writing in Oman
EFL Writing Through ICT, Electronic Writing in OmanAbstract
Students’ passion for ICT devices gives educators opportunities to impart knowledge in a non-traditional manner. Also, this opens up a lot of opportunities for EFL teachers to promote electronic writing. The paper will highlight the importance of ICT in promoting EFL writing, and it will shed some light on different tools that can be employed to facilitate electronic writing. The paper tries to justify the use of ICT in promoting writing skills of EFL learners. The researchers have made use of some of the data collected through their research using ICT tools such as online forum discussions (OFDs) among EFL students in the Sultanate of Oman. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected to understand the effect of online forum discussions and blogging on the participants’ EFL writing output, and the findings have been reported in this paper.
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