Action Research

Revathi Viswanathan

Freelance ELT Consultant and Teacher Trainer

Keywords: classroom-based research, teaching strategies, reflective diary, interpretation of data


Teachers need to focus on their teaching strategies and their students’ performance in the classroom. It is worthwhile to mention that teachers have to periodically conduct classroom­based research to review the impact of their teaching on students’ participation in learning. This article emphasizes the importance of doing action research and discusses the stages of action research for the practicing teachers to understand the concept.

Author Biography

Revathi Viswanathan, Freelance ELT Consultant and Teacher Trainer

Prof. Revathi Viswanathan, a former Professor & Head, English at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent University, Chennai, is currently serving as a freelance ELT Consultant and Teacher Trainer. She has 26 years of teaching experience at the tertiary level.


Stremmel, A. (2002). The value of teacher research: Nurturing professional and personal growth through inquiry. Voices of Practitioners. Retrieved from default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/ resources/pubs/Value%20of%20Teacher %20Research.pdf

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