Teachers’ Perception and Practices of Microsoft Teams as a Learning Management System
Digital technology, Learning Management System (LMS), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Microsoft Teams (Teams), Language teachingAbstract
Teaching and learning through Learning Management Systems (LMS) have gained momentum from the arrival of inexpensive digital gadgets that reached the commoner’s hand during the Covid period, and due to the desperate requirements to shift from the traditional to modern teaching methodology. In India, almost every institution has incorporated either open-source or closed-source Learning Management System (LMS) software packages to manage the academic progress of the students. This study focuses on teachers’ perceptions and practices towards using Microsoft Teams (Teams) as an LMS tool for language teaching. The study uses a Descriptive survey method to evaluate the usefulness and ease of use of Teams. 21 participants were language instructors from a private university who responded to the questionnaire. The obtained data was statistically analysed and graphically represented. The findings showed Teams to be an efficient tool for language instruction as it is pertinent and very easy to use for imparting language skills. The study includes a few suggestions brought out by the participants. The study recommends measures to make Teams a better and more efficient tool of LMS for language teaching learning.
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