An Exploratory Study on Eclectic Method in Higher Education Through ICT Tools in India
Eclectic, flip teaching, learning by doing, LSRW, Information and Communication ToolAbstract
As we have done away with the chalk-and-talk method and shifted to virtual classes though by force not by choice, we need to think of new ways of engaging students in the changed mode of instruction. As such this paper focuses on exploring eclectic methods or eclecticism through a conceptual approach backed up by previous research as one of the best approaches in education. A few combined methods which were found helpful such as lecture cum discussions, demonstrations and question & answer sessions, sharing information & debates, peer instructions & flip teaching, learning by doing & task-based activities, LSRW activities & follow-up assignments, are being dealt with in detail here. It is a multidisciplinary approach that caters to various instructional methods and each of the clubbed methods mentioned can be implemented separately as well.
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