How to engage low proficient learners in a low resource classroom
Low proficient learner engagementAbstract
This was an action research done during an online course EVO-2017 (Electronic Village Online). The problem identified to conduct an action research is How to engage the low proficient learners in a low resource classroom. During this research project we (students and teacher) learnt together and worked together to solve our classroom problems. While doing research we concentrated on the following key aspects:
- To motivate the students intrinsically and extrinsically
- Teachers role is to facilitate learning
- Child-centered classroom
- Make the students autonomous learners
- Doing mistakes is a kind of learning
- Students’ participation is crucial in the learning process
- Demonstration and displaying of students’ work motives them intrinsically
- Focus on process rather than the product
- Teacher is a co-learner
- Comprehensible input enhances learning
Research Articles
How to Cite
How to engage low proficient learners in a low resource classroom. (2017). Journal of English Language Teaching, 59(2), 20-24.