Impact of Cultural Affinity on Reading Skills in L Classrooms 2
andragogy, cultural affinity, EFL classrooms, reading and comprehension, short storiesAbstract
When it comes to EFL learning, is there any direct relation between cultural affinity1 and andragogy? In the Indian context, learners are much more aware of the cultural nuances represented in the Indian English texts, compared to those in the texts emerging from an alien culture. It is often hypothesized that Indian texts should be given priority, as they can facilitate students in learning the language by virtue of their cultural cognateness. Empirical experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of cultural differences (Indian and British texts) on 18 college entrants. Results and statistical measurements show that remarkably better comprehension and linguistic attainments are ensured by cultural affinity. However, the paper concludes with the argument that the core British texts can also provide wider cultural exposure and greater linguistic challenges that can accelerate the process of learners’ cognitive maturity
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