Multimedia Resources and Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching Writing Skills: A Survey of ELT Practitioners of Gujarat, India
Technology integration, classroom pedagogy, process-oriented and product-oriented approachesAbstract
The paper assesses the availability and integration of multimedia resources and pedagogical strategies in ELT for ESL learners to teach writing skills effectively across Gujarat, India. The data was collected through a questionnaire (administered to 25 higher education institutes across Gujarat) administered to ELT practitioners (N=53) across Gujarat, India, to understand the adoption of technology in higher education institutions and the pedagogies employed by the practitioners in this context. The questionnaire has two sections: firstly, understanding the availability of multimedia technology in higher education institutions while examining the effectiveness of the available resources, and secondly, it explores the diverse pedagogical approaches teachers employ (product-oriented or process-oriented) to cater to the specific needs of ESL learners. Findings suggested that most institutions across Gujarat have adequate infrastructure for adapting multimedia approaches to teaching English. This positive outcome offers ELT practitioners opportunities to incorporate multimedia-supported teaching approaches to teach writing skills to learners, potentially leading to improved language learning outcomes.
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