Psychological Empowerment in Higher Education: Exploring its Impact on Linguistics and English Language Teaching (ELT) Faculty


  • Sonam Gupta Research Scholar, School of Business Management, C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur, U.P. India
  • Prof. Anshu Yadav Professor, School of Business Management, C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur, U.P. India


Psychological empowerment, higher education, ELT, intrinsic motivation, competency development, self-belief, perception of status, work meaningfulness


This paper provides a comprehensive review of the literature on faculty psychological empowerment in higher education, specifically focusing on its implications for linguistics and English Language Teaching (ELT) faculty. By analysing various dimensions of psychological empowerment—intrinsic motivation, competency development, self-belief, perception of status, and work meaningfulness. The study examines how these dimensions contribute to faculty effectiveness and institutional success. A comprehensive review of the literature identifies key trends, influential works, and research gaps. The findings indicate that psychological empowerment is crucial for faculty development and institutional success, yet significant gaps remain in understanding the contextual and institutional factors influencing empowerment. Recommendations for future research and practical implications for higher education institutions are discussed.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Gupta, S., & Yadav, A. (2024). Psychological Empowerment in Higher Education: Exploring its Impact on Linguistics and English Language Teaching (ELT) Faculty. Journal of English Language Teaching, 66(5), 38–48.

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